Rockchip CMO Chen Feng:one thousand RMB Android smart phone will become the mainstream
Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd.CMO Chen Feng
Tracey (Wang Hui) Oct. 11 news,Rockchip CMO Chen Feng thinks that thousand yuan Android smart phone will gradually become the mainstream when he is guesting on Artesyn Technologies today,and he also says that thousand yuan of current mobile phone's disposition is too low.According to the Moore's Law,it will reduce 50% in a year and a half.
Chen told us that Rockchip will release 4 platforms on the exhibition:
First, the Tablet PC platform;
Second, the smart phone platform which based on TD% 26 # 8212; 3G equipped with Android2.1 systems,supported TD2.8 trillion, which is Rockchip's summit series.
Third, the world first Android-based phone system that can enjoy 3D from naked eye;
Fourth, the family information machine which support all 3G networks including TD% 26 # 8212; SCDMA, CDMA% 26 # 8212; 2000, and WCDMA.
When Chen talks about the four platforms, he says that Tablet PC is the flagship of Rockchip and the fastest growing domain.
2010 China International Communication and Information Fair will hold in Beijing on October 11-15.The theme of this conference is "Innovation leads the developmeny, integration achieves the future.
The following is part of the interview:
Host: Hello everybody, here is the CommunicAsia 2010 and today we are so lucky to talk to Rockchip CMO Mr. Chen Feng.Now let's invite Mr.Chen to give you a greeting.
Chen Feng:Hello everybody, I'm Chen Feng.
Host:Rockchip has released a new generation of wireless Internet solutions, can you talk some details about it?
Chen Feng:Of cause.Today we have released four platforms: one of them is the Tablet PC platform.Since you may more familiar with ipad,let's see this one which is with our "RK2818" program .Another one is TD% 26 # 8212; 3G smart phone platform which is made by one of our developers,it's equipped with Android 2.1, support TD2.8 trillion and is our flagship product.Here there is a more interesting product, in fact,it's our Android phone, it may be the first Android phone in the world,it's great to enjoy naked eye 3D movie on this phone.
Host:What about the fourth one?
Chen Feng:The last one is a family information machine that can support all the 3G networks, including TD% 26 # 8212; SCDMA, CDMA% 26 # 8212; 2000, and W% 26 # 8212; CDMA,.You can try it on our booth.
Host:I just noticed that you first show us the Tablet PC product,I would like to know how many tablet PCs we share this time?
Chen Feng:Tablet PC actually is our flagship and the fastest develop domain.
Host:Then how dose it work in the tablet PC market?
Chen Feng:Now we have more than two hundred customers,and we bring nearly one hundred kings of products.
Host:A great number. Then how can you win in the tablet PC market?A reasonable price,or a better system,or a lower price?
Chen Feng:First, I think the price is a weapon but not a single weapon, higher cost performance and better UE will make it more charming.
Host:So you mean price is the principal element?
Chen Feng:No,a lower price is a big one,but a good product is the main.
Host:Can the two combine by what Rockchip provides?
Chen Feng:Yes,Rockchip have been in this area for a long time,higher cost performance and better products is what we are keeping in search.
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